Do You Really Know Yourself?

Have you ever wondered if you truly know yourself? Are there untapped strengths and talents that lie dormant within you, waiting to be discovered?  Bringing the subconscious into the conscious has immense benefits, both professionally and personally.

By embracing your innate abilities and recognizing your unique qualities, you can unlock your full potential and harness the power of self-awareness. An overlooked and highly underestimated lens of self awareness is conation - your gut response to action. 

This approach and journey of self-discovery not only enables us to make better decisions and choices but also cultivates a sense of fulfillment and authenticity.

We’ll help to uncover the resources within and unleash "The Instinctive Advantage," that teaches you how to understand yourself better — facilitating professional and personal success.

Why Is Our Sense of Identity Important?

It's critical to understand your identity because it allows deeper internal and external relationships.

When we have a deeper understanding of ourselves, we can form genuine connections with like-minded individuals and foster relationships based on shared values and interests. It enables us to build a support network that embraces our true selves and encourages us to grow and accept who we are, ultimately enhancing our happiness.

Additionally, your identity goes beyond just knowing likes and dislikes. It plays a significant role in your professional life as well. When we clearly understand our identity, we can align our careers with our passions, values, and strengths.

This alignment leads to a sense of purpose in our work. It allows us to bring our authentic selves to our professional endeavors, enhancing our productivity and satisfaction.

Understanding Your Strengths

Understanding and embracing your strengths is a powerful tool. While some may easily identify their strengths and weaknesses, others may need some guidance in uncovering their true talents. 

If you find it challenging to pinpoint your strengths, don't worry; you're not alone. It's perfectly normal to be uncertain, but the key is to do your best and approach the process with honesty and openness to new perspective.

A great starting point in understanding your strengths is taking the Kolbe A™ Index. Kolbe is a renowned tool that helps individuals identify their intrinsic abilities and unique problem-solving approaches. By taking the Kolbe A™ Index, you can gain valuable insights into your natural talent, giving you a solid foundation to build upon.

What makes Kolbe particularly valuable is its ability to transform perceived weakness into strength. For example, if you score low on Follow Thru™, it doesn't mean you lack commitment or discipline. Instead, you possess inherent flexibility and adaptability to navigate through complex systems and bureaucracy. By reframing these qualities as strengths, you can use them to your advantage and change your feelings toward yourself. 

It's crucial to recognize that your strengths are not limited to specific areas of your life; they permeate every aspect and affect you in many different ways. Whether it's in your friends, family, hobbies, or your job, they're a constant source that you can use to reveal things about yourself that will propel you. 

Remember, discovering your strengths is an ongoing journey. As you start to understand yourself better, you must be open to exploring new things, seeking feedback, and embracing growth. By focusing on and leveraging your strong suits effectively, you can unlock your full potential and lead a more purposeful and rewarding life.

The Benefits of Understanding Yourself

Self-knowledge holds numerous mental health benefits. By gaining insight into your strengths and personality, you can better understand your inner self and avoid feeling stuck at various points in life. 

Furthermore, self-awareness plays a crucial role in your relationships with others. When you have a deeper understanding of your own personality traits, preferences, and beliefs, you can navigate different situations more effectively. 

It helps you communicate and connect with friends, family, and colleagues, creating a strong support system that nurtures your mental health and happiness.

By embracing a greater understanding of yourself, you can break free from self-doubt and develop self-compassion. This process creates a safe space for personal growth and allows you to reflect on your emotions and thoughts. It also enables you to develop a stronger sense of self-worth and make better choices based on core values.  

The most important thing is to be kind and patient with yourself along the way. It takes time for people to learn about themselves and figure out how to turn perceived negatives into positives. Self-awareness and cutting your emotions takes some time to get used to. But, the truth of the matter is that it's all for the better! Positive thinking turns into positive behavior. 

Taking the Kolbe A™ Index

To delve deeper into your understanding of yourself, consider taking the Kolbe A™ Index. This Index provides valuable insights into your natural strengths and problem-solving approach, revealing things about yourself that you may not have been aware of.

By taking the Kolbe A™ Index, you can uncover your unique talents and gain a better understanding of how to utilize them in different aspects of your life. It serves as a sounding board to guide your personal and professional development journey.

To gain even more clarity, schedule time with Erin at The Instinctive Advantage. Erin will help you interpret your Kolbe A™ Index results and provide personalized guidance on utilizing your strengths effectively. With her expertise, you can better understand yourself and create a roadmap to a fulfilling life.

Remember, self-acceptance is key in life — professionally and interpersonally. Understanding yourself is an important step in your growth. It is the key to unlocking your full potential and living a life that lines up with your values and passions. Embrace the wisdom and opportunities that come with a deeper knowledge of yourself, and watch as you create an authentic life that truly reflects who you are.

Kolbe KnowledgeErin Werde