How To Utilize Your Strengths

Unlocking your potential and achieving personal or professional growth begins with utilizing strengths. Harnessing our unique talents improves well-being, job satisfaction, and overall success. 

In this journey of self-awareness, studies offer valuable insights. Still, one of the most practical steps is actively determining and leveraging your own strengths. Let's delve into how you can do just that.

Figure Out What Your Strengths Actually Are

Identifying strengths can be more challenging than it sounds. Most people focus on their weaknesses or take their natural skills for granted. If you're serious about personal development, spending time understanding your abilities is crucial.  The Kolbe A™ Index, in particular, offers insights into your innate strengths, guiding you in how to utilize your strengths effectively. 

Align Your World with Your Strengths

While it's essential to identify your strengths, it's equally important to build your world around them. Every strength, whether in relationship building, scheduling meetings efficiently, or thinking of new ideas, has its unique position in contributing to success.

Given my conative expertise - and my own 7832 MO™ - I wanted to make sure to include suggestions to live in your strengths. 

If you are an…

Understanding and leveraging your own strengths is not just a matter of professional growth but a holistic approach to life that assures success, satisfaction, and personal growth. By identifying, valuing, and continually developing these strengths, you set yourself up for a fulfilling journey in whichever path you choose. 

Whether you're contemplating a new position, seeking ways to feel good in your current role, or just wanting to grow personally, tapping into your strengths is the way forward.

Using Your Strengths Takes Time

Recognizing and utilizing one's strengths is not an overnight journey. Just as a sculptor doesn't create a masterpiece in a day, uncovering and leveraging your skills is a process of patience and introspection.

Begin by engaging in self-reflection. Identify ideas that invigorate you and those that drain your energy. What tasks do you eagerly practice, and which ones do you dread? Recognizing these push and pull factors gives you invaluable insights into your natural skills and inclinations.

However, even after you identify your strengths, effectively implementing them requires practice and persistence. No matter how potent, a strength requires the right environment and experience to shine truly. For instance, if you've recognized a knack for public speaking, it won't translate into strength until you practice, gather feedback, and refine your approach.

Be gentle with yourself. Personal development is a marathon, not a sprint. As you gradually incorporate your strengths into your daily tasks and responsibilities, you'll amplify your efficiency and enhance your satisfaction and well-being.


Everyone possesses a unique blend of strengths and abilities waiting to be discovered, honed, and utilized. Recognizing and integrating them into our professional and personal lives can be transformative. If you're eager to dive deeper into this journey of self-discovery and optimization, Erin is here to guide you. Reach out to The Instinctive Advantage today to delve deeper into how to utilize your strengths.

Kolbe KnowledgeErin Werde